About me

I have been serving the printing industry since 1998 when starting my career as a print and media designer at a traditional print shop in Stuttgart, Germany. At the time the company was using conventional Offset technology and computers started to become more colorful and were decorated often with an apple. Since then just about anything associated with printing has seen an amazing transformation. From the upcoming computer-to… technologies making certain process steps obsolete over workflow and process automation increasing efficiency to the raise of digital printing, with inkjet printing in particular opening up a wide range of new applications. During all these years there have been a couple of constants in my life besides all the change:

  • Working with different printing technologies including offset-, gravure-, screen-, pad-printing, flexography and most importantly inkjet printing

  • Dealing with design, artwork creation, color, color managment and workflow and process topics

  • Dealing with all sorts of measurement devices, especially spectrophotometers (handheld & inline devices)

  • Managing and/or being part of innovative (inkjet) projects delivering new applications, improved operations. Examples include textile-, label-, laminate-, direct-to-object printing just to name a few

  • Looking for and implementing new soft- and hardware. Examples include color management software, printing machines or other devices required to deliver (printed) products to customers

  • Speaking at conferences, moderating conferences or other industry events and giving lectures within companies, for clients or education providers

Passions & Strengths

My passions – What I really enjoy doing

  • Working on new products and services incl. the associated processes

  • Making processes and people better, by improving efficiency or transfer knowledge and give training

  • Implementing new soft- or hardware or processes

  • Developing and/or improving printing applications, especially for innovative or non-standard inkjet applications also referred to as application engineering

  • Exploring the world (travel), which my previous employers gave me plenty of opportunities for

  • Outdoor activities like hiking, skiing and sailing as well as racket sports like tennis and table tennis

My strengths – What I am good at

  • Passionate and enthusiastic, especially when I strongly believe in something. If not I will challenge your idea

  • Working with and for people, also or in particular across different (international) locations or cultural backgrounds

  • Analytical mind and a strong problem solver/troubleshooter with the will “to find out” and succeed

  • My ability to create clarity and structure and making use of methodologies, as I found that it supports individuals and teams to make progress and deliver results

  • Good communicator and presenter

  • Comprehensive industry experience with a good network

Education & languages

  • Executive MBA in New Business Development
    University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland

  • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
    Coesia Lean Six Sigma Academy, Bologna, Italy

  • Certificate of Applied Scienes (CAS) in Project Management
    ZHAW, School of Engineering, Winterthur, Switzerland

  • Engineering degree in Print and Media Technology
    Media University, University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany

  • Professional training as Print and Media Designer,
    Chamber of industry and commerce (IHK), Stuttgart, Germany

  • Languages

    • German

    • English

    • Spanish

Vita – short

Steffen is a graduate of the Print and Media University Stuttgart, Germany, with an engineering degree in print and media technology. Prior to his studies, he completed vocational training as a media designer for digital and print media in a traditional print shop. He held various positions in research and development, technical sales and project management at global and industry leading companies. In March 2022, he successfully completed an Executive MBA degree in New Business Development at the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Chur, Switzerland. Steffen works as an independant consultant and lives with his family in Switzerland.

Download Short Vita (English & German)